UNBURDENED: Essential Tips to Live How You Should Be Living (but Aren't)
The Tried and Truth Podcast with Annica Fischer - A podcast by Annica Fischer - Tuesdays

We’re all carrying burdens around that DON’T need to be carried (or carried by us for that matter!). We weigh our lives down unnecessarily and self-impose so many of our own burdens. The truth is, however, that we’re not made to live burdened lives, but rather to live UNBURDENED. Let today be day one to less burden, more living! In this episode, I’m challenging you to identify, call out, and release the “burdens” in your life so you can live fuller, feel more alive, and free up space in your mind and life to think, do, create, and be. We’ll talk money, stress, to-do lists, lifestyle, false realities, kids, and other people’s problems. ___________ If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM! You can also find me @ www.beawesomecompany.com