The 10 Minute Lesson They Didn't Teach You in School

The Tried and Truth Podcast with Annica Fischer - A podcast by Annica Fischer - Tuesdays

We live in a culture that is wired to win. As a child, we learn through sports, activities, and in school what we need to do win, and consequently, that consequences await you when you don’t (i.e., make the grade, steal the show, pass the test, etc.).  And so, as adults we carry the same mentality into our work and daily lives. The belief that tells us if we don’t follow the exact steps that culture tells us to take whether at home or at work, we are failing, failing is losing, and that it is all B-A-D.   We are too often held hostage by our comfort zones and we do everything they can to avoid the possibility of failure, rejection, embarrassment, or anyone perceiving us a "failure".  Rather than living a life afraid to fail, we should instead be afraid of would happen, or what we'd regret, if we never tried.  Because the truth is, failure can do one two things - give us a lesson to learn from or give us the opportunity to launch from.  Either way, a moment of courage and growth is born.  New resource: If you're tired of feeling stuck, hoping for clarity on what's next, or simply need a reset, I've created a resource just for you.  This 29-page FREE guide and workbook will help you take that next step, confidently, towards where it is you want to go. You can find it here.  ___________ If you're just tuning in, welcome!  I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, inspired, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on Instagram - @annicafischer or at I'd love to connect with you there, too! 

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