S2 E3: Depression and Anxiety; an Honest Discussion Part 2

The Tending Lambs Podcast - A podcast by The Tending Lambs Podcast


Hey there, Katie here.After listening through and editing this episode, I decided that I need to say just a little bit more. What I wanted to convey wasn't exactly clear, and by writing just a few words, I hope to clarify some things that I thought were lacking.One; I realize that when you're facing social anxiety, choosing to engage in community is THE hard part. Honestly, in my experience, the same could be said about depression. The thing about these issues is that they feel like never-ending cycles. The depression causes isolation, and the isolation causes the depression to spiral deeper, which causes the isolation to deepen. Of course, there are other contributing factors to why depression deepens; it's not only the isolation. But the reason I drive home that isolation is such a huge problem, is that both anxiety and depression are problems that cannot be faced alone. All of the things that contribute to these disorders cannot be fixed by the person who is being overcome and overwhelmed by them. You may need a doctor, you likely need a therapist, and you definitely need a church family, and of course, a confidant like a best friend and/or spouse. And two; many of us will at some point encounter seasons of isolation, whether we have a ton of friends around us, or only one. I don't want anyone to walk away from this episode feeling like I, or Sam, think it's just a matter of "make a few friends and this won't be a problem". The pain and fear of both anxiety and depression are real, they are debilitating, and we know that it isn't easy to get the help you need to get through it.But we also want you to know that it's okay to acknowledge weakness and that in fact, true relationship requires that you do. Recovery and healing also require it.

None of this is easy, but it is crucial. It's crucial to fight against the apathy of depression, and the over-the-top urgency of anxiety, and the truth is we cannot fight this fight alone. If you need assistance seeking community and resources for dealing with depression and anxiety, please join our Facebook group for fellowship with likeminded parents, and direction toward resources like counseling that can be instrumental in helping you live and parent well, even with depression and anxiety.

For further reading & listening

Depression and Anxiety; an Honest Discussion Part 1 - Tending Lambs podcast, Sam and KatieChristian, You Depression is Real. So is God's Deliverance - JD GreearPractical Encouragement Through Depression and Anxiety - Sam MatherlyThe Place We Find Ourselves Podcast - Adam Young"The Place We Find Ourselves podcast features private practice therapist Adam Young (LCSW, MDiv) and interview guests as they discuss all things related to story, trauma, attachment, and interpersonal neurobiology. Listen in as Adam unpacks how trauma and abuse impact the heart and mind, as well as how to navigate the path toward healing, wholeness, and restoration. Interview episodes give you a sacred glimpse into the real-life stories of guests who have engaged their own experiences of trauma and abuse. Drawing from the work of neuroscientists such as Allan Schore, Dan Siegel, and Bessel van der Kolk, as well as Christian thought leaders Dan Allender and John Eldredge, this podcast will equip and inspire you to engage your own stories of harm in deep, transformative ways."

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