Fireside Chat With Nacho & The TPMs at Amazon Madrid

The Technical Program Management Podcast & Interviews - A podcast by Mario Gerard


Nacho Gomez a Sr Technical Program Manager from Amazon, contacted me to do a 'Fireside Chat with TPMs from Amazon'. The goal was to debate and share ideas on different topics about the TPM role and career. Nacho joined Amazon as a TPM in 2017.  He has around 20 years of experience with different technical management roles over the last 15 years in various industries. He is working now on Kindle in Amazon’s Madrid TechHub where he is an active member of the TPM community. Nacho found this blog nearly 4 years ago when he looked for information about the TPM role and we were in conversations since last year to have this call with an audience of both, new hired and long-tenured TPMs. Hope you enjoy this episode of the 'TPM Podcast'. Thank you, Mario Gerard

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