S5: E4 Hearing from the US Donor Conceived Council
The Stork and I - A podcast by thestorkandi

In todays episode I speak to Melissa from the United States Donor Conceived Council. Melissa was conceived using anonymous egg donation and her parents told her and her brother when she was 21. Melissa is part of the US Donor Conceived Council, which is a nonprofit organization run by and for Donor Conceived People. They connect with other DCP, recipient parents, donors, industry professionals, and the general public to increase awareness of issues that impact DCP and promote change that advances their health, welfare, and human rights." In this episode we cover: - The important topics that the United States Door Conceived Council are fighting for - The feeling of burden that can be felt by DCP trying to find family members - Some of the challenges with worldwide donor limits - The differences in experiences of a RP and a DCP - How societys view of what makes a family, might impact our thoughts about the term 'parent' - The importance of not making the subject of donor conception taboo for our kids - Why we should try not to take criticisms of the industry personally ....and much much more. Connect with Donor Conceived Council To connect with the US Donor Conceived Council you can follow them on Instagram Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/donorconceivedcouncil/ Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support! About Mel Johnson Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey. I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at www.thestorkandi.com Instagram: Join our Instagram community for more support: www.instagram.com/the_stork_and_i Thriving Solo: You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums here: https://members.thestorkandi.com Future Events: You can see our planned future events here: https://members.thestorkandi.com/webinar-library/