S4: E8 Emotional Freedom Technique with Sarah Holland
The Stork and I - A podcast by thestorkandi

Todays guest is Sarah Holland, the Fertile Mindset® Coach and has a unique, effective and empowering approach to fertility support. Working in the world of fertility since 2001, and havingexperienced fertility challenges herself, she pioneered the use of EFT Tapping specifically forfertility support. With the Fertile Mindset® approach to coaching, support and emotional healing she has helped thousands of people negotiate the emotional rollercoaster of fertility issues. Sarah believes it is possible for anyone’s fertility journey to become a much more positive and fulfilling experience, and that by recognising and supporting the emotional aspects of fertility, the path to parenthood can become more successful in every way including creating a family. Sarah’s coaching clients and Fertile Mindset® Sanctuary members frequently tell her thatthe results they achieve with her support and EFT “feel like magic!”.Sarah has appeared on BBC News and Channel 5 talking about fertility topics, and hasspoken on stage at the Fertility Show and My Future Family Show in London, the AmericanFertility Expo in California and Fertilitetsmessen in Copenhagen, as well as at numerousonline fertility events and podcasts. She is also a proud member of the AlphaZita holisticfertility team, offering integrated fertility support on retreat at the luxury Sani resort inGreece. Sarah is based in the U.K. and her support is available worldwide via zoom consultations andwithin her membership, the Fertile Mindset® Sanctuary which has both free and paid levelsof support. Having experienced her own fertility challenges Sarah is now a mum to two boys throughboth birth and adoption. In todays episode we cover: - EFT; what it is and how it can support you on your fertility journey - How EFT tapping works and why it works - How you can use EFT tapping to make and stick to a decision - Why EFT is a skill for life and much more! Connect with Sarah Holland Begin your own Fertile Mindset® journey today by joining Sarah’s free membership in theFertile Mindset ® Sanctuary here: www.fertilemindset.com/sanctuary Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fertile_mindset/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/FertileMindset Podcast: Fertile Mindset Website: www.fertilemindset.com Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support! Join our Instagram community for more support: www.instagram.com/the_stork_and_i. About Mel Johnson Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey. I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood Learn more about me at www.thestorkandi.com