Ep58: Michael Lewis MD: BrainCARE

The Stag Roar: Life Less Ordinary - A podcast by Ryan O'Connor

Dr. Lewis an expert on brain health and the prevention, management, and rehabilitation of concussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI). He founded the nonprofit Brain Health Education and Research Institute in 2011 when he retired as a Colonel after a distinguished 31 year career in the U.S. Army. His pioneering work has helped thousands of people around the world.

He is the author of the Amazon Best Selling book, When Brains Collide: What every athlete and parent should know about the prevention and treatment of concussions and brain injuries.

Dr. Lewis has pioneered new TBI therapies for the U.S. military. Now, through BrainCARE, he brings his experience and expertise in both diagnosing and treating brain injury and fostering better brain health.

Website: http://braincare.center/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrMichaelLewis

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dr.michael.lewis.md/?__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=ARBCUddnyokWhclj4x9e4cLn2WbPlM9YTgqKXypKqh_Hs9V68o7rqn_b46yh-jTU34kMYAT1zXrNnctG

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PotomacBrainCARE/?ref=py_c&eid=ARCKy8ZYP1wC9Ld4vs1AQqk1vnlHco_zFiMqIRM5Qa6BPhun0tSi6iKRzAV4zTbg1pvpA5F6Ohd1EGxB

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