Ep275: Marty Kendall; Big Fat Keto Lies
The Stag Roar: Life Less Ordinary - A podcast by Ryan O'Connor
Marty Kendall is an engineer who seeks to optimise nutrition using a data-driven approach. His interest in nutrition began over twenty years ago to help his wife Monica gain control of her Type 1 Diabetes. Since then, he has worked to develop a systematised approach to nutrition tailored to various goals. Marty shares his learnings at OptimisingNutrition.com and his Optimising Nutrition Podcast. Marty also runs Data-Driven Fasting and the Macros and Micros masterclasses to guide people on their journey of nutritional optimisation. https://linktr.ee/martykendall If you or a loved one have some aches and pains setting in, or an injury that needs support to heal, consider topping up your body with Canes Deer Velvet. It's packed full of amazing nutrients that the body uses in maintaining the immune system, bones, joints, circulation and general well-being. Find out more at www.canesdeervelvet.com and use code "STAGROAR252" for a 20% introductory discount. DrinkLMNT.com/STAGROAR for your "Free Sample" Just Pay for Shipping https://drinkarepa.com/collections/all-products Ārepa. The world's smartest brain food. 100% natural. Caffeine free. Effects you can feel. Use the code "STAGROAR" at checkout for 20% off your order! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ryanoconnornz/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/stagryan/ Twitter https://twitter.com/stagryan Tik Tok @ryanstagoconnor Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WaiKeto/ Blog https://stagryan.com/ Website: https://www.stagroar.co.nz/