S14,E19: 11/27/17 (Lens Mozer, Tussilago, Night Moves, MGMT, Strawberry Runners, Rose Dorn, Blood Cultures, Mutual Benefit)

The Sounds in My Head - A podcast by Daniel


01. All My Friends - Lens Mozer

02. Velvet - Tussilago

03. Carl Sagan - Night Moves

04. Denise, Don't Wanna See You Cry - Night Moves

05. Little Dark Age - MGMT

06. Garden Hose - Strawberry Runners

07. Your Bed Was Tall - Strawberry Runners

08. Goodboy - Rose Dorn

09. Phospholipid - Blood Cultures

10. Detroit - Blood Cultures

11. Getting Gone - Mutual Benefit


This episode features a couple of clips of Carl Sagan from his COSMOS series. Particularly recognizable clips for fans of Symphony of Science's Glorious Dawn.

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