One Huge Mistake That Could Invalidate Your Patent

The Software Patent Podcast - A podcast by Blueshift IP


After your company has made a significant investment of time and money in obtaining a patent, the last thing you want to happen is for your patent to be invalidated because of a mistake that could have been avoided. In this episode, we will describe the importance of listing the right people as inventors on every patent application in order to avoid this devastating consequence.

Unfortunately, in my experience in software patent law, I have found that all too often our clients tell me that their previous patent law firms did not educate them about how to pick the right people to be listed as inventors on their patent applications, or failed to tell them that listing the wrong inventors can kill their patents. 

Furthermore, even in our law firm, we’ve found that many clients mistakenly assume that practices that are accepted in universities for listing authors on research papers or in corporations for listing people on conference presentations also apply to listing inventors on patents. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The legal definition of an "inventor," on a patent
  • The consequences of failing to list the right inventors on your patent
  • How to avoid invalidating your patent

And yet all of these catastrophic results can be avoided with some careful planning. It’s the exact reason that I put out this free content with guidance on the patent process to ensure that the correct inventors are listed on every patent. 

There are so many ways a software patent can be valuable to you. For any questions, you can reach out to us via our website at 

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