RunOut #41: Climbers in Iso: Allison Vest

The RunOut Podcast - A podcast by Andrew Bisharat & Chris Kalous


One of the hardest parts of being under quarantine right now is our lack of connection to our friends, climbing partners, and people we like to be around. At the moment, it feels right to make a little extra effort to reach out to your network and just check in … You know, see how everyone is doing. See whether they’re losing their minds, writing the next King Lear, or absolutely getting totally fucking yoked on the hangboard. It’s with this spirit of reaching out that Chris and I have decided to dedicate a few episodes to checking in with some of our friends and see how they’re holding up. Just a casual call from your friendly neighborhood climbing podcasters. This is Andrew Bisharat, and I’m here with my co-host Chris Kalous, and you’re listening to The RunOut podcast. Today we’re talking to Allison Vest. Allison is a three-time Canadian national champion. We reached out to Allison because she is an intelligent and interesting person, and she’s totally hilarious. Her slapstick Instagram videos have really been a wonderful dose of humor carrying the climbing world through these darks times. I highly recommend you follow her @allisonvest and see for yourself. OK, so with little ado left, all in the form of some jingly podcast music, written by Chris himself, here is our conversation with Allison Vest.

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