Dicken Bettinger - "We are Bringing Hope to the World - A Real Story"

The Relevance of Sydney Banks' Role - A podcast by Ana Holmback

For our second episode, we had a deep, felt, and beautiful conversation with Dicken Bettinger. He explains in such a simple and profound way, Syd's revelation and its' psychological and spiritual implications to humanity.  Dicken Bettinger, Ed.D., is a retired licensed clinical psychologist. His career has focused on psychological well-being. In 1986 he met Sydney Banks and the Three Principles. Dicken co-founded a Three Principle training, counseling, and education center in Vermont in 1991. Dicken was a senior staff at Pransky and Associates in La Conner, Washington for 16 years, where he developed and led corporate and university leadership trainings, team development, and executive coaching. In 2012 Dicken founded 3 Principles Mentoring. He offers 4-day immersion retreats for individuals and couples; practitioner development; and individualized training programs. He enjoys leading group seminars in the US and throughout Europe. Dicken is the co-author of a book on the Three Principles called Coming Home. Dicken has been happily married for 49 years. He has two adult children and three adored grandchildren. He enjoys photography, hiking, canoeing, and traveling the world. For more information on Dicken, go to http://3principlesmentoring.com

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