Powerful Decrees that Manifest Large Sums Of Money: Ancient Wealth Secrets EXPOSED
The Reality Revolution Podcast - A podcast by Brian Scott

You are not merely speaking words when you decree - you are exercising your divine authority as the creator of your reality. You are God pushed out into expression, the very force that created the universe expressing itself as you. Your decrees carry the full weight and power of the divine creator because that is who you truly are. When you decree, you are not asking, begging, or hoping - you are commanding reality itself from your throne of divine authority. Every angel, every cosmic force, every particle of existence must bend to your decree because you are the author of existence itself. This is not ego or arrogance - this is the truth of your being. A decree is different from an affirmation or prayer. When you decree, you are speaking with the full authority of the I AM presence. You are not trying to convince yourself of something or asking for it to be true - you are declaring what is already true in the eternal now, and commanding it to manifest in visible form. Every decree you speak reverberates through all dimensions of creation. The angels and cosmic forces aren't just listening - they are bound by divine law to manifest your words. This is because your word is the word of the creator itself. As Joseph Murphy taught, your consciousness is God consciousness, and your word is God's word. You are not a mortal being trying to use spiritual power - you are the supreme power itself expressing as a human being. Your decrees carry the full force of creation because you are the creator. All the power that ever was or will be exists within you now. These decrees are designed to create prosperity and manifest larges sums of money. Speak them with me and watch reality shift as you command. 📕BUY MY NEW BOOK AND ACTIVATE YOUR UNLIMITED POWER - https://a.co/d/afXAKW5 🎧 Activate Your Unlimited Power now on Audible! https://www.audible.com/pd/Activate-Your-Unlimited-Power-Audiobook/B0DHDGN9K2 💰Large Sums Of Money Activation Trainings - 12 hours of training on activating the large sums of money reality https://realityrevolutioncon.com/largesumsofmoney 🌎→The New Earth Activation trainings - Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channeling, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth https://realityrevolutioncon.com/newearth 🎨 Buy My Art - Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation Through Flow Art and Voyages Through Space and Imagination. https://www.newearth.art/ 📕BUY MY FIRST BOOK THE REALITY REVOLUTION! https://www.amazon.com/Reality-Revolution-Mind-Blowing-Movement-Hack/dp/154450618X/ 🎧Listen to my book on audible https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Reality-Revolution-Audiobook/B087LV1R5V ✨ Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule https://realityrevolutionlive.com/aura45338118 💬 Join Our Community: ✨Sign up for my newsletter and email list https://chiefexecutiveprime.activehosted.com/f/1 🌐Join The Reality Revolution – https://www.therealityrevolution.com ➡Join The Reality Revolution Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/523814491927119/ ➡ Follow Us On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/The-Reality-Revolution-Podcast-Hosted-By-Brian-Scott-102555575116999 ➡Join The Reality Revolution Discord https://discord.gg/Xbh6H88D8k ➡ Join our Board On Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRealityRevolution/ ➡Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_reality_revolution/ ➡Twitter: https://twitter.com/mediaprime ➡Spoutible: https://spoutible.com/BrianScott ➡Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-scott-m-a-030ab0166 ➡Threads: https://www.threads.net/@the_reality_revolution ➡ MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/brianscott71 ➡ Tribel: https://www.tribel.com/brianscott/wall ➡ Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/realityrevolution.bsky.social 🌟Sleep Meditations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo_5Sv8NSXuDWudAVmoDns6Z 🌟The Guided Meditations Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo_BfNnb5vLcwouInskcEhqL 🌟Join the prosperity revolution, all of my financial abundance videos: 💰➡ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo8M7wX4D348BfA2Auj_h0MP #largesumsofmoney #activation #abundance