We changed this one thing and sold retail to over 50% of our guests last week.
The Real Beauty Industry - A podcast by Ashley Toliver

It's not a trick. Just one simple change. While everyone is focusing on selling more, we're focusing on the tiny behaviors that lead to that. When a coach wants to change something in a player's mechanics, he goes small. He doesn't just say "hit the ball better". Get micro to go macro. ------------------------------- Thank you for helping us spread this message. We canNOT do this without you! Email: [email protected] for guest suggestions, questions & topics you'd like us to cover. Follow for new episodes. Leave a Review to let us know how we're doing. Follow: @therealbeautyindustry @fuserepublic @ashleytoliverwilliams Salon: @fringesalonhouston Save on Foil & Gloves