Want to build a bigger business? Get a helmet! ...with Timothy Humphries

The Real Beauty Industry - A podcast by Ashley Toliver


The goal of this podcast was to air out the REAL. And to no longer live in the perfectly polished public facade that the beauty industry has become. It's conversations like this that happen every day. Conversations about stylists and salon owners struggling...it leaves us open to being HUGE targets for great pain point marketers because it seems like there is always someone who needs help. The help we need is rarely found in something you see in a social media ad, and a lot of times, you already know and have what you need to begin with. Soooo... In the middle of a call, I said..."Hey! We need to record this!" Timothy Humphries is the best at telling it like it is, saying the things no one else will, and getting away with saying what most can't...all in the name of getting salon professionals to move forward, think bigger and start making big things happen in their lives and businesses. 20+ years in sales and having doors slammed in your face, along with some pretty big wins in some of the most successful, toughest salons in the country, will do that to you. Enjoy! ------ Thank you for helping us spread this message. We canNOT do this without you! Email: [email protected] for guest suggestions, questions & topics you'd like us to cover. Follow for new episodes. Leave a Review to let us know how we're doing. Follow: @therealbeautyindustry @fuserepublic @ashleytoliverwilliams Salon: @fringesalonhouston ⁠Save on Foil & Gloves⁠

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