CloudKit: The Podcast S01 E09

The Kodeco Podcast: For App Developers and Gamers - A podcast by Kodeco - Thursdays


In this episode, we talk about CloudKit, Apple’s back-end-as-a-service (BaaS) new in iOS 8, along with special guest Mike Katz.
We also talk about the recent discussions about it being difficult to survive as an indie iOS developer.
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Here’s what is covered in this episode:

* News: Surviving as an indie iOS developer
* Tech Talk: Cloud Kit

Links and References
Our Sponsor

* Appacitive: Ready to use backend APIs that help you reduce your total development time, giving you more time to innovate on your app.


* Jared Sinclair’s sales numbers for Unread
* Ben Thompson on making a business, not an app
* Marco Arment summarizing the issues
* Kickstarter documentary Tammy mentioned

Tech Talk: Cloud Kit

* Mike Katz (author of CloudKit chapters in iOS 8 by Tutorials)
* Designing for CloudKit
* CloudKit Pricing
* Parse
* Amazon Cognito

Contact Us

* Tammy Coron on Twitter
* Jake Gundersen on Twitter
* Felipe Laso Marsetti on Twitter
* Mic Pringle on Twitter
* Email the Podcast Team

Where To Go From Here?
We hope you enjoyed this podcast! We have an episode each month, so be sure to subscribe in iTunes to get access as soon as it comes out.
We’d love to hear what you think about the podcast, and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to drop a comment here, or email us anytime at [email protected]!

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