Ep 119: The Power of the 15 Minute Reset

The Purpose Show - A podcast by Allie Casazza


I was so excited to share this with you guys that when I recorded this episode I actually streamed it live on social media. I want to talk to you guys about the power in 15 minutes. I started doing these little 15 minute “resets” and they are total game-changers! How many times have you been going about your day and you feel like things are just not going well? You’re bickering with your spouse, your kids are acting crazy, the house feels like a total crap show and you’re really frustrated? You want to hit that reset button, but you also feel like you don’t have the energy to do that because you’re tired, drained and it’s going to get undone anyway. This 15-minute reset hack is going to pull you out of that negative spiral so you can take action and change the situation. I really think this can be applied to just about anything and everything. So, let’s jump in and talk about it!  Everything I talk about in this episode you can find HERE: alliecasazza.com/shownotes/119

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