Kat Sticker IAM Symposium 2021

The Practical Shaman - A podcast by Renee Baribeau The Practical Shaman

Kat Sticker is an elemental alchemist focused on energy healing and herbalism. She teaches others to use the elements of nature for healing and harmony. Kat’s training as a Certified Angelic Reiki Master, Certified Usui Reiki Master, Certified Animal Reiki Master, Attuned Dragon Energy Healer, Crystal Healer, Akashic Records Reader, and Certified Spiritual Healer provided a broad understanding of the pillars of wellness to build the Elemental Alchemy Healing Framework. She mentors and offers courses on healing and wellness and leads meditation and healing circles in an online environment. I am love, I am light, I am filled with the Divine. I am connected to you and to Gaia and every living thing filling the earth and to every universal being of light. This oneness allows me to live in the present in a world of suffering souls and find peace in knowing that Divine Spirit is guiding me to fulfill a great purpose. That is to use the talents, attunements, elements, and gifts of the Earth to ease that suffering, to empower others to find their balance in the universe and heal themselves.

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