74 | Fighting Yourself for Spiritual Healing? 3 Easy Steps to Trusting in God
Heal with God | Heal from Trauma, Anxiety and Depression, Spiritual Healing, Deliverance, Hearing God's Voice - A podcast by Heather O'Brien - Licensed Christian Inner Healing Minister & Prophetic Healing Coach - Mondays
You are able to trust in God. You are able to put worry under your feet and worry will not be your portion anymore. It is not your personality. Remember, we're all fighting the same enemy. You're not fighting yourself. You are not in a war with yourself. You're not in a war with your neighbor. You are in a war with the enemy who does not want you to have faith and trust in God. He wants you to have faith in your worry, in your lack, in your abilities, experiences, and in your past. But he certainly does not want you to have trust in God. And so I want you to remember that you're fighting the devil every time you have to muster up that courage and that choice to trust in God, you are actually in a spiritual battle. You're not battling yourself, you're in a spiritual battle. Three steps to place your trust in God - Found in Proverbs 3:5-8 1. Analyze the situation. Lack of trust is simply misplaced faith. Find out where you placed your faith so you can get it back! 2. Repent for placing your faith in things other than God. 3. Fear God. Join my email Fam: https://mailchi.mp/748a44733fd6/email-fam Download the notes to go along with this lesson here: https://mailchi.mp/c87938e19832/lessonnotes