Episode 80: An Announcement, A Break and Happy Holidays!

The Postpartum Podcast - A podcast by Kellie Edson


Dear Listeners, I have some both exciting and a little bit sad news to share with you in today's episode.  First, the exciting news is that we are expecting our second child due in April.  We are both excited and nervous to be taking this journey all over again.  My daughter will be 4 in February, and I started this podcast over 3 ½ years ago when she was just a couple months old.  It’s truly been a labor of love. Now, for the a little bit sadder news. In an effort to practice what I preach and really slow down during these last months of pregnancy and the newborn phase, I have decided to take a 6 month break from the podcast.  This is the last episode that will be in your feed for a while.  I hope to come back with renewed vigor next summer, and with more stories to share from my own second newborn phase! Until then, there are 80 episodes in the archive - all still available on iTunes - of wonderful stories of all the good and hard things about the postpartum period. I would love if you share them with your friends and family.  Wishing you all the best for the holiday season and the early part of 2018 – and please remember to take the time for yourself, even in the smallest of ways.  Thank you, as always for listening. So much Love, Kellie  

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