Episode 4: “You’re Not Alone” – Working Mama Community & The Importance of Birth Doulas with Kelsey Wharton

The Postpartum Podcast - A podcast by Kellie Edson


I was so excited to chat with Kelsey Wharton of the Girls Next Door Podcast for this episode. I feel like we are such kindred spirits and we could have talked for so much longer. I hope to have her on the podcast again in the future.  Kelsey is a science writer for Arizona State University, a blogger at RisingShining.com, and a podcaster on the Girls Next Door Podcast. She is a mom of two boys - her second was just a month old when we recorded.  In this episode we talk about the transition from maternity leave to going back to work full time, postpartum blues and the importance of birth doulas. We also chat about the e-course that Kelsey is working on called Radiant Mamas. This will be a course geared towards bringing community and supporting working moms. Thank you SO much Kelsey for coming on! Check out the Girls Next Door Podcast here. Read Kelsey’s Blog here. You can also connect with Kelsey on Twitter and Instagram. **The website Kelsey mentioned for setting up a food train for new moms was Food Tidings.

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