Get Your Mind Right | Road to Revenue #57
The Playbook With David Meltzer - A podcast by David Meltzer,

A leader’s mindset is derived from his or her thought processes, whether that comes from his or her conscious, subconscious, or unconscious mind. In order to get your mind right, one must evaluate the value that their thoughts, both new and repetitive, bring to their conscious and subconscious mind. Are your thoughts providing you the necessary confidence or value? Or are you wasting time and energy on those thoughts needlessly? If the new or repetitive thoughts are not valuable, then cut them! There are all sorts of pressures that we experience (or create for ourselves) when we are making a tough call, but with the right mindset, we can avoid common pitfalls, such as negative self- talk or decision fatigue. THE CONSCIOUS, SUBCONSCIOUS, & UNCONSCIOUS: Our conscious mind evaluates what people think, what people say, and what people do. It takes time to get the conscious alignment necessary to make a decision. The subconscious mind deals with the countless things that we believe. Our unconscious competencies are tasks, abilities, or decisions you are able to execute successfully without thinking. (i.e. breathing or public speaking). Lastly, having a positive mindset is a major asset at work and at home. In order to attain this mindset, we must build and train our minds with a simple philosophy of, “cancel, clear and connect.” When you think of conscious thoughts that are negative, “cancel” them. When you recognize the subconscious thoughts that are attracting the conscious thoughts, “clear” our whole mind. When things do not leave us and they sit within our unconscious, we must utilize a mechanism to “connect” to what inspires us. Tweet me @davidmeltzer your favorite takeaway from today's episode and come ask me questions live every Friday at 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST. Text me at (949) 298-2905 or email me at [email protected] to join! Click here to follow the Road to Revenue playlist on Spotify