Can I use anxiety to motivate myself | #AskDavidMeltzer 13
The Playbook With David Meltzer - A podcast by David Meltzer,
Fear and anxiety will motivate you, but it will drain you. It will get you started, but in reality it is slowing you down. Use the focus that fear and anxiety give you, and transition it into inspiration. Imagine that you are running a race, using fear and anxiety is just like adding weights to a backpack. I may be slower than you, but if I am inspired, it is only a matter a time before I am laps ahead of you. Take the backpack off and run the race inspired. Motivation is temporary, inspirations lasts forever. If you want me to answer your question on the podcast, tweet me @davidmeltzer, or email me a video at [email protected] of you asking me a question and I will answer it for a future episode!