Constipation and Bedwetting: A Conversation with a Pediatric Urologist
The PedsDocTalk Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Mona Amin - Wednesdays

On this episode I welcome Steve Hodges, Urologist and author of Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault and The M.O.P. Book: A Guide to The Only Proven Way to STOP Bedwetting and Accidents. We discuss the following: What a urologist is and why a child would see one The impact of early potty training and bed wetting How constipation can impact bedwetting How genetics can impact bedwetting When bed wetting is too late This episode is brought to you by: THE NEW MOM SURVIVAL GUIDE: The first digital e-course/community created and founded by a Pediatrician mom to guide you and your baby through their first year. To find out more and to join, visit: Find out more:, follow on Facebook: bedwettingandaccident and Instagram @drstevevhodges.