094: Peaceful Discipline with Sarah Moore
The Peaceful Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Sarah Rosensweet

In this episode, Sarah Moore joins me on the podcast to talk about what story teaching is, and why it’s important to focus on ‘play’. We also touch on consequences, and natural consequences, when it comes to peaceful discipline. We are also giving away a copy of Sarah’s new book. From March 22, 2023 to March 28, 2023, share a screenshot to your social media of you listening to this episode, tag me on either Facebook or Instagram, and be automatically entered to win. Sarah R. Moore is the author of Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior and founder of Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting. As a Master Trainer in conscious parenting and Board Member for the American Society for the Positive Care of Children, she’s also a public speaker, armchair neuroscientist, and most importantly, a Mama. We talk about: [3:15] Sarah’s new book, Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior [5:00] How trying improv can help parents [6:50] How natural consequences play out in the real world [9:10] Our limbic system reactions [16:50] Why kids are wired to play, and how that’s actually okay [25:35] What to do if you don’t ‘have time’ to be playful [27:50] How to use Story Teaching in peaceful parenting [34:40] Can kids really learn without consequences? [40:50] Debunking the myth that peaceful parenting has no consequences [44:00] What Sarah would tell her younger parent self With training in child development, trauma recovery, interpersonal neurobiology, improv comedy and play, her work supports parents and caregivers around the globe. Resources mentioned in this episode: Free ‘How to Stop Yelling’ Course: www.sarahrosensweet.com/yelling Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/peacefulparenting Book: Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior by Sarah Moore Connect with Sarah Moore Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dandelionseedspositiveliving/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DandelionSeedsPositiveParenting/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DandelionSeeds5 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/dandelionseeds5/ Website: https://dandelion-seeds.com/ Connect with Sarah Rosensweet Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahrosensweet/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/peacefulparentingfreegroup Website: https://www.sarahrosensweet.com Book a short consult or coaching session call: https://book-with-sarah-rosensweet.as.me/schedule.php