061: Three Reasons Why You Don’t Have to Be a Perfect Parent
The Peaceful Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Sarah Rosensweet

In this episode, I’m sharing three reasons why you don’t have to be a perfect parent. There is a lot of pressure when it comes to parenting. Often we feel like people are judging us for what we do, say and act with our kids. The truth is, no one is judging us as harshly as we’re judging ourselves. Listen in to learn why you are a better parent if you don’t hold yourself to an impossible standard of perfection! We go into: [4:40] Why being a perfect parent is unrealistic [7:45] Helping our kids develop resilience [9:35] Why perfectionism makes us worse parents Resources mentioned in this episode www.sarahrosensweet.com/freeworkshop Connect with Sarah Rosensweet On Instagram On Facebook https://www.sarahrosensweet.com Book a short consult or coaching session call