055: One Year Anniversary: My Fave Experts Give Advice To Their Younger Parent Selves

The Peaceful Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Sarah Rosensweet


In this very special episode of The Peaceful Parenting Podcast, I have compiled a list of advice former podcast guests have shared about what they would say to their younger parent selves.   I know you will find this episode so inspiring. I’ve created a cheat sheet that you can download for free with all of my guests’ expert advice for you to reference. You can get it here: www.sarahrosensweet.com/guestexpertadvice. We go into: [3:30] Dr. Laura Markham’s advice [5:05] Ned Johnson’s advice [7:30] Yolanda Williams’ advice [9:31] Dayna Abraham’s advice [10:55] Leslie Priscilla’s advice [12:21] Dr. Sharon Saline’s advice [13:50] Mr. Chazz’s advice [15:50] Kristy Forbes’ advice [17:35] Eve Rodsky’s advice [19:30] Teacher Tom’s advice [22:10] Iris Chen’s advice [23:45] Lynn Lyons’ advice [26:10] Julie Lythcott-Haims’ advice [30:45] Janine Halloran’s advice [33:00] Dr. Mona’s advice [34:50] My advice to my younger self Resources mentioned in this episode Episode 2: When Your Child Refuses with Dr. Laura Markham Episode 8: Raising A Self-Driven Child with Ned Johnson Episode 14: Decolonizing Parenting and Raising Anti-Racist Children with Yolanda Williams Episode 17: Sensory Processing Challenges/Disorder with Dayna Abraham Episode 20: Reparenting Ourselves: Being the Parents We Want To Be with Leslie Priscilla Episode 22: Understanding ADHD with Dr. Sharon Saline Episode 25: Seeing, Guiding and Trusting our Kids with Mr. Chazz Episode 27: Understanding Autism with Kristy Forbes Episode 30: Find Your Unicorn Space with Eve Rodsky Episode 31: Play-Based Learning with Teacher Tom Episode 34: Untigering: Moving From Coercion to Compassion with Iris Chen Episode 35: Three Skills to Protect Our Kids’ Mental Health with Lynn Lyons Episode 37: Your Turn: How to Be An Adult with Julie Lythcott-Haims Episode 41: Healthy Coping Strategies for Kids with Janine Halloran Episode 42: Brain-Body Parenting with Dr. Mona Delahooke   Books Authored by Our Guests Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Marham  Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings by Dr. Laura Markham  What Do You Say with Ned Johnson and William Stixrud  Find Your Unicorn Space by Eve Rodsky  Purchase: Fair Play by Eve Rodsky  Untigering: Peaceful Parenting for the Deconstructing Tiger Parent by Iris Chen Anxious Kids Anxious Parents by Lynn Lyons  How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims  Real American: A Memoir by Julie Lythcott-Haims Your Turn: How to Be An Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims  Brain-Body Parenting by Dr. Mona Delahooke    Connect with Sarah Rosensweet   On Instagram On Facebook https://www.sarahrosensweet.com  Book a short consult or coaching session call

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