032: Coaching call with Sarah: The Challenges of Introducing A New Baby to A Toddler
The Peaceful Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Sarah Rosensweet

What do we do when our toddler wants our undivided attention but we have to take care of the baby? How do we make sure they know how special and loved they are without spreading ourselves too thin? This conversation is for all the parents or caregivers who are currently navigating this. Let me firstly remind you that you’re doing a great job! I speak with Sarah, mom of two young girls, L. who is two and a half, and A. who is four and a half months old. We dove deep into: My tips for regulating our own emotions in moments of sensory-overload Ways to connect with our kids that don’t involve being 1x1 Strategies to help our toddlers and babies connect How to reframe when we’re being hard on ourselves Resources mentioned in this episode Research about secure attachment: http://www.cdd.unm.edu/ecln/hvt/common/pdfs/2011_7.pdf More on the sibling transition: https://www.sarahrosensweet.com/having-another-baby/ Connect with Sarah Rosensweet On Instagram On Facebook https://www.sarahrosensweet.com Book a short consult or coaching session call