S7E87: Co-ops and Charlotte Mason with April and Anna

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins - A podcast by Cindy Rollins - Thursdays

We kick off this new season of The New Mason Jar with a conversation Cindy and Dawn had with homeschool friends April Weyland and Anna Whiteside How Anna and April first found out about Charlotte Mason How the transition to a Charlotte Mason curriculum worked for Anna Why April decided it was time for them to leave their old coop and start using CM principles How Anna started her own CM coop with a few more like-minded families How April tried to keep the curriculum challenging while balancing learning difficulties Anna’s tips on carrying over these ideas into a coop setting that isn’t strictly Charlotte Mason No doubt we do give intellectual food, but too little of it: let us have courage and we shall be surprised, as we are now and then, at the amount of intellectual strong meat almost any child will take at a meal and digest at his leisure. Charlotte Mason, Philosophy of Education Books and Links Mentioned: For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay Know and Tell by Karen Glass The 2024 Back to School Conference: Heart to Heart Find Cindy and Dawn: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Dawn’s Swedish Drill website Dawn’s A Reasoned Patriotism website Dawn’s Substack But education should be a science of proportion, and any one subject that assumes undue importance does so at the expense of other subjects which a child’s mind should deal with. Charlotte Mason, Philosophy of Education

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