Asabea Britton’s Home Birth Story
The Natural Birth Podcast - A podcast by Anna The Spiritual Midwitch - Sundays

Today on The Natural Birth Podcast we have Asabea. Asabea is one of Sweden’s most famous midwife’s as well as an author, podcaster, and influencer. She is a mama of 2 children earth side and one cooking away inside her womb. And today she will share her take aways from her first medicalized hospital birth and why she chose to have a home birth for her second. As well as sharing all the amazing details of her home birth and her pearls of wisdom about birth both in the hospital system and at home from a mama and a midwife’s perspective. It was such an honor having Asabea on and I am sure you’ll find her story filled with birthing wisdom. Curious about Asabea? Find her on instagram @asabea This episode is sponsored by Informed Pregnancy Plus. Try Informed Pregnancy Plus absolutely free of charge. Just visit and start watching these inspiring documentaries and films already today. Find All of Anna's Links & Resources Here: