Bonus: How to make baby friendly recipes the whole family can enjoy

The My Little Eater Podcast - A podcast by Edwena Kennedy


We see online all the time “baby friendly recipes”, “baby led weaning recipes”, “6 month old food ideas”, etc. So it’s easy to think that we need special recipes for our babies. But here’s the truth…you don’t! Not only is it extra work to make one meal for you and a seperate baby friendly recipe, it’s also not helpful to be eating different foods from your baby from the perspective of modeling eating behavior! Also, allowing baby to partake in “adult meals” means it’s that much easier to introduce foods with different flavors, textures, and spices - expanding your baby’s palate and the types of food they will accept. Plus - who wants to be eating baby finger foods all day everyday? It’s absolutely possible to serve your baby - even your little 6 month old - the same food that you’re having. Meals YOU actually enjoy too! There are obviously some considerations, which I go over in this episode (hint - the guidelines out there for babies and salt intake are more flexible than you think and it’s easy to omit added sugar and make almost any food safe with a few modifications!). I also talk about how to deconstruct meals and make meals easier for your baby to consume. This goes for whether you’re doing purees or finger foods for baby! And good news - if your family meal plan could use a little more variety and tweaking to make things healthier and baby friendly - don’t worry - my newly revamped 60 day Baby Led Feeding Meal Plan walks you through the first 30-60 days of starting solids with family friendly recipes - good for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and adults. You’re all going to love them! This meal plan makes sure that all your baby’s nutrient needs are covered and each meal is perfectly balanced (as well as contains iron rich foods for baby led weaning)!. It also strategically introduces allergens to your baby in a step-by-step way over 60 days so you never have to worry about which highly allergenic foods to introduce when, and how to introduce them to your baby. Each and every recipe in the meal is safe and appropriate in texture for your baby, while keeping your baby advancing in eating skills and challenged with various textures from my Texture Timeline™. Get out of that mealtime rut and enjoy tasty, healthy meals for the picky eaters and baby led weaning babies in your home - without cooking more than one meal for everyone! I want to give you your time back with your baby so you can just look forward to mealtime instead of spending time figuring out which ones to make. I wish I had something like this when I started solids with my boys! Get the 60 day Baby Led Feeding Meal Plan here! Leave a review and win! Help The My Little Eater Podcast hit #1 on the charts and reach even more parents who may need some extra help when it comes to feeding their little ones! All you need to do is head over to Apple Podcasts and leave me a quick review about what you loved about this episode, or a previous one. Thanks so much in advance for your continued support. As a thank you, you’ll be entered to win a 15 minute call with me where you can ask me anything about feeding. Just make sure to leave your Instagram handle so I can find you if you’re the lucky winner! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: 60 DAY BABY LED FEEDING MEAL PLAN: Grab this epic meal plan to have over 80 recipes to use when starting solids with your baby, to serve as nutritious meals for picky toddlers, and just for the whole family to enjoy! If you do have a baby just starting solids, it also includes info on moving through my signature Texture Timeline™, as well as allergy introduction. It ensures variety and takes the guesswork out of what’s for dinner for up to 60 days! All of the meals are balanced to keep the babies, toddlers, and adults getting all the nutrition they need.

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