Music of Latin America (Encore)

The Music Podcast for Kids! - A podcast by The Music Podcast for Kids!


Music of Latin America Mr. Henry and Mr. Fite have an amazing adventure to another dimension in today’s episode. They explore all kids of cool instruments used in Latin American music. Conga, maracas, cajon, oh my! They also compete in a cool game show hosted by Jerry Slapdash (who thinks he’s really handsome). We hope you enjoy today’s adventure learning about the music of Latin America! Check out our YouTube channel: ***Classroom and Homeschool Teachers***  Find our digital resource to help enhance your classroom HERE! Like us on Facebook!    Mr. Fite Check out original fun and educational music from Mr. Fite at and subscribe to Mr. Fite’s YouTube Channel   Mr. Henry Are you looking for affordable piano lessons for your 6-10-year-old? Start the music journey with Mr. Henry by taking a sneak peek into the Premier Membership with the free mini-piano course!   (Transcript) Let the music begin in 3, 2, 1... Learning music, having fun. That’s what we’re gonna do. Mr. Henry, Mr. Fite, exploring along with you. Learning music, having fun. That’s what we’re gonna do. Mr. Henry, Mr. Fite love hanging out with you. The Music Podcast for Kids! Hello and welcome to The Music Podcast for Kids we're your hosts Mr. Henry and Mr. Fite - Music educators extraordinaire! The Music Podcast for Kids is a fun and educational podcast where we learn and explore the best subject ever -  music!     And now, the music joke of the day. We love jokes, so if you have a joke, please visit our website to submit your joke. And guess what? It doesn't even have to be a music joke; it can be any joke. We will read and enjoy your joke on the podcast and also let everyone know who it came from and where you are in this great big wonderful music world.    Our joke of the day is: Bill: Welp, I think it’s official.  Bruce: Official?  Bill: Yup, officially lost.  Bruce: No way….. I know exactly where we are going. It’s up there, straight ahead. The fastest piano player in the west  Bill: Well, alright, I sure hope you're right it’s getting hot out here and my back is kinda hurtin’. Gonna hop off this horse and take a break for a minute. (Hops off and walks but there is a shaking sound) Bruce: Umm, what is that sound?  Bill: (scared ... ) you mean that rattle sound… Bruce: Yes, that rattle sound…. It gotta be a rattler!!  Bill: (shaking and shivering scared) Ohhhh no, where is it? Can you see it? Bruce: Just relax, I can’t quite see it yet, Bill: Relax? How can I relax? There's a rattler near me.. oh it’s getting louder!  Bruce: I don’t really see that rattler but yeah just relax and don’t move… Bill: don’t move?  I can’t stop shaking…. I’m just too scared of rattlers!  Bruce: wait a gosh darn tootin second here…. what you got in that bag? Bill: What does it matter what’s in my bag… there’s a rattler near me! I don’t wanna get bit! I wanna see the fastest piano player in the west! Bruce: (gets off horse) now get on over here and let me see that bag. Bill: No stay on your horse! Save yourself, save the horse!  Bruce: Give me that bag!.... (takes bag) Yup, just what I thought…. a bag of maracas… there’s your rattler for ya.  Bill: aw well shucks I... I knew that… forgot  about that bag of maracas... Bruce: Well that’s enough drama for one day, let’s get a move on. Bill: Sounds good, just take a swig of this here water can and get back on my horse and……(rattle sound) Together: Rattlers!!!  Make sure to send in your jokes by visiting our website a link to the website can be found in the show notes.   And now, the music word of the day. Bill: Before we get to our main subject of the day, Music from Latin America, let’s check out the music word of the day: Conga!  Bruce: Congas are drums that are tall and narrow. You can play them by sitting down, but many times you will see them pai

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