Our Best Tips for Moms and Babies to Get the Sleep They Need.
The MomForce Podcast Hosted by Chatbooks - A podcast by Vanessa Quigley

Sleep is one of a mother’s most coveted things. Vanessa's sisters, Kara and Shelly, are talking about all things sleep. Thanks to the tips Shelly learned from Lauren Olson’s episode, her baby Otto has mastered sleeping in this crib. Kara is due with her 5th baby this summer and some guidance from Becca Campbell’s episode provided much-needed direction on how to make sure newborns (and moms) can get the rest they need. For more information on these sleep pros, check out their websites! Christine Lawler Becca Campbell Lauren Olson We are so happy you are here! Make a Chatbook and use code POD20. Happy Chatbooking!