Good Moms Have Bad Days
The MomForce Podcast Hosted by Chatbooks - A podcast by Vanessa Quigley

Moms everywhere are overwhelmed: driven to tears, hyperventilating, rage cleaning, or perhaps hopping in the car and driving away. Caring for an entire family is challenging. Often we ask ourselves, are we doing enough? Are we fun enough, compassionate enough, patient enough? Good moms have bad days. The newborn stage is hard. The toddler stage is hard. Teenagers are hard. Heck! Even our adult children are hard! On today’s episode of The MomForce Podcast, Leah joins Vanessa to talk about how they handle the weight that motherhood places on your shoulders. They discuss recognizing your own needs and taking action. Join the MomForce Facebook Group and join in on our daily conversations! We are so happy you are here! Make a Chatbook and use code POD20. Happy Chatbooking!