Decluttering Our Motherhood with Rachel Nielson of @3in30podcast
The MomForce Podcast Hosted by Chatbooks - A podcast by Vanessa Quigley

We’ve all heard of Marie Kondo her method of decluttering that frees up space in your homes, closets, dressers, and attics. But did you know you can do the same thing for your motherhood? You can actually purge some of the things from the way you “mother” that don’t spark joy! Vanessa is chatting with Rachel Nielson, host of the popular 3 in 30 Podcast, about how to take an internal inventory of your to-do list to make sure you have space and time for what you find most fulfilling. So how do we declutter our motherhood, you ask? It's very similar to how you would declutter a physical space. Step 1: Take inventory of how you spend your time. Write down everything you are currently doing - for yourself, for your kids, your job, etc. Step 2: On a seperate sheet of paper, write down everything you think you should be doing. Step 3: Look at those two lists and start Kondo-ing away! Mark which ones aren’t sparking joy, or aren’t necessary, or things that could be delegated to someone else. Step 4: Once you’ve made this inventory of your life and you’ve eliminated or delegated things off your list, you’re ready for the fun part! Now you get to fill that newly found time and space with things that you truly love including those things you’ve been missing out on. Rachel reminds us to be careful not to compare to what we see other moms doing on social media. We are each different and the way we mother will be different too! But one thing is for certain...every mother deserves to have deep joy, clarity, and contentment in her life. We are so happy you are here! Make a Chatbook and use code POD20. Happy Chatbooking!