Engaging in Quality Time & Lauren’s Half-Marathon
The Mom Voice - A podcast by Sarah Bones & Lauren Willis

Feb. 21st, 2022 – In this week’s episode, the ladies kick off the convo by sharing an academic study printed in the Journal of Marriage and Family in 2015. Discussing the interesting stats researchers found on the impact we have when we spend quality time with our kids. It leads to a great talk about quality over quantity when it comes to time with your children. The ladies point out how intentional time will always have a more effective and positive impact on children – over a distracted, non-attentive day together. Lauren then shares a detailed account of her half marathon, talking all about the planning, the nerves, making it to the end and whatnot was like to run with her family! It’s been an ongoing journey on the podcast and great wrap-up to her journey. They then close out with their hits and misses of the week! EP SPONSORS & RESOURCES: Pura Smart Fragrance // www.Tripura.com, enter code MOMVOICE for 15% offShop the Show @ themomvoice.com Thanks so much for tuning in – make sure to FOLLOW THE PODCAST wherever you listen, we’re back every week with fresh content just for you! Find us on IG @themomvoicepodcast