The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog - A podcast by The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog

There is an objective standard in Christ. This means that there is one equal path to the Lord (Romans 10:8-13), there is one equal faith in His name (Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:6) and one equal truth that applies to EVERYBODY. The standard doesn't change if you don't like it, if you don't "think" it should be like that, if you don't agree or if you feel like you don't qualify or can't reach it. It is the same path and requirement for everybody, so what we should do is seek daily the grace of God and the assistance of His Holy Spirit to reach toward that standard, rather than making many excuses as to why it is too hard, or needs to be changed for us. God is always righteous - His standard is not burdensome for any who seek Him for understanding. Rather, it is attainable for everyone because the invitation is for everyone. The Cross was for everyone, HIS SPIRIT IS THE STAIRWAY TO IT AND CHRIST'S SACRIFICE IS THE DOORWAY TO ENTER THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE FATHER. "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME." John 14:6 "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:27- 28 "Brethren, I do count not myself to have already attained: but this one thing I do, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND, and reaching forth unto those things which are AHEAD, I PRESS TOWARD THE MARK for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13- 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Listen closely to the truth. No one can justify God, He justifies Himself. No one can say "My punishment is more than I can bear!" (Genesis 4:13), each man earns his judgement from the Lord and also his rewards by righteous faith in Christ. Faith without works is dead (James 2:14-18) so we must prove our faith by deciding to live each day moving toward the ONE UNIVERSAL STANDARD OF CHRIST which is set for all men. Read the description also, God bless. God will not leave anyone behind who learns to ask Him for HELP. Learns to accept that it's better to confess fear, doubt, unbelief and weakness, in order to receive grace. That is better than *COMPLAINING* against God, accusing Him of unfairness or saying He is not righteous in how He makes His judgements of people and nations. Whoever humbles himself saying "Lord have mercy on me and help me", that one will receive GRACE TO SAVE AND HELP IN TIME OF NEED. That one will be granted the power of the Holy Spirit to grow and overcome his weaknesses. But whoever thinks the standard will change "per individual", no it is not like that. Leave the corrupted gospel and come into the knowledge of Truth.🌺

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