Tadhg Hickey – A Portrait of the Piss Artist as a Young Man

The Mario Rosenstock Podcast - A podcast by Mario Rosenstock


Tadhg Hickey is a comedian, a singer, an actor, an author, and he is also a long-time friend of the Mario Rosenstock Podcast. Tadhg was also a regular guest on the radio show I used to present on Today FM on Sundays before we started this podcast. On one of those Sunday shows Tadhg joined me for a long and fascinating chat about his recovery from alcohol addiction. What was particularly interesting was that he didn’t just talk about how awful it was (and of course so much of it was), but he also talked about some of the funny sides to that life, the kind of trouble he’d get into, the wild parties he was at, and the people he met. The way he talked about his story was so different to how we generally hear topics like alcoholism discussed in the media, and it obviously caught people’s ears. Because soon after that chat, he was contacted by someone in the publishing industry and invited to write a book about his life and recovery. That book is coming out very soon – it’s called A Portrait of the Piss Artist as a Young Man and you’ll find all the info you need about that and his upcoming stand up comedy tour here https://www.tadhghickey.com/home In this episode, Tadhg joins me on this episode to talk all about the book, comedy, addiction, drink and ecstasy, twitter spats, doom scrolling, colonialism and independence! COMEDY A few famous faces phone into the Mario Rosenstock hotline to leave messages for Tadhg, including Brendan O’Connor, Micheal Martin, and Boris Johnson. Produced by Patrick Haughey of AudioBrand