Episode 86 - Danny Chan
The Learn Squared Podcast - A podcast by Learn Squared

In this episode, Concept Artist Danny Chan shares his love of specializing in sci-fi and hard surface design and takes us through his incredible journey from crafting Minecraft worlds as a kid to walking the red carpet as a nominee at the BAFTAs before he even discovered the world of Concept Art! From going on to work at the likes of Cloud Imperium Games and now at Build a Rocket Boy, Danny shares hard-earned lessons about blending logic with creativity, adapting to life’s unexpected turns, solving complex problems with art and more! - FOLLOW DANNY https://www.instagram.com/dchanart https://www.x.com/dchanart https://www.linkedin.com/in/danziochan https://www.artstation.com/dannychan - FOLLOW LEARN SQUARED https://www.learnsquared.com https://www.patreon.com/patreon https://www.cara.app/learnsquared https://www.instagram.com/learnsquared https://www.twitter.com/learnsquared https://www.linkedin.com/school/learnsquared - YOUR HOST https://www.artstation.com/dhanda https://www.instagram.com/dhandatron https://www.cara.app/dhandatron