Episode 73 - Kay Tang
The Learn Squared Podcast - A podcast by Learn Squared

Join us for today’s episode as Concept Designer & Artist Kay Tang shares her journey of turning pro while still in university, her evolution as a freelancer, and her decision to move and build her career as an artist in Japan! We'll also tackle pressing issues creatives encounter today, what it takes to push your craft, how your cultural identity can impact you, and much more! - FOLLOW KAY TANG https://www.artstation.com/kayta https://www.instagram.com/kaytaart https://twitter.com/kaytangart - FOLLOW LEARN SQUARED https://www.learnsquared.com https://www.instagram.com/learnsquared https://www.patreon.com/learnsquared https://www.twitter.com/learnsquared https://www.linkedin.com/school/learnsquared - YOUR HOST https://www.artstation.com/dhanda https://www.instagram.com/dhandatron https://www.twitter.com/dhandatron