Episode 72 - Stefan Valasek
The Learn Squared Podcast - A podcast by Learn Squared

Concept Artist & Concept 101 co-founder Stefan Valasek drops by the podcast to share what it is like to break into the industry as a young artist, how he got his first job, to what he is doing now to further his craft while revealing the tools he uses to not let the pressures we face as modern day artists and the joy and power of sketching! - FOLLOW STEFAN https://www.artstation.com/rorankladivo https://www.instagram.com/stefanvalasek/ https://uk.linkedin.com/in/stefan-valasek-46955b175 https://www.concept101.co.uk/ - FOLLOW LEARN SQUARED https://www.learnsquared.com https://www.instagram.com/learnsquared https://www.patreon.com/learnsquared https://www.twitter.com/learnsquared https://www.linkedin.com/school/learnsquared - YOUR HOST https://www.artstation.com/dhanda https://www.instagram.com/dhandatron https://www.twitter.com/dhandatron