Episode 58 - Fil Borgmann
The Learn Squared Podcast - A podcast by Learn Squared

Concept Art Student Fil Borgmann drops by for today's episode, where we get a first-hand account of what it's like being a student & breaking into the industry in this current climate of AI, and technology. Fil also has crafted some juicy homework from our courses and he shares some compelling insights for someone so early in their journey! - FOLLOW FIL https://www.artstation.com/fll https://www.instagram.com/fil_borgmann https://www.learnsquared.com/u/FilBorgmann - FOLLOW LEARN SQUARED https://www.learnsquared.com https://www.instagram.com/learnsquared https://www.twitter.com/learnsquared https://www.linkedin.com/school/learnsquared - YOUR HOST https://www.artstation.com/dhanda https://www.instagram.com/dhandatron https://www.twitter.com/dhandatron