Episode 10 - David Tilton
The Learn Squared Podcast - A podcast by Learn Squared

In our 10th episode of The Learn Squared Podcast, we're joined by Concept Artist David Tilton. David was one of our first round of students when Learn Squared was launched and his career has grown from strength to strength. In this episode discover how David was close to forking to a fortune to becoming a concept artist but a combination of his sheer determination, StarCraft & our platform was all he needed to achieve his goals. And when your IMDB includes credits such as Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Thor Ragnorak, and much more its a decision well made. - - - Follow David https://www.artstation.com/tiltond https://www.instagram.com/davidtiltonn/ - - _ Our courses www.learnsquared.com - - - Your Host https://www.artstation.com/dhanda https://www.instagram.com/dhandatron/