05 Building and Understanding Language Through Our Senses

The Language of Play - Kids that Listen, Speech Therapy, Language Development, Early Intervention - A podcast by Dinalynn Rosenbush, SLP | Speech Pathologist, Parent Mentor, Communication with Kids - Thursdays

Dear Friends~ The ability to communicate well is paramount to having a good, successful and happy life. We want our kids to develop good communication skills at all ages. We also want it for ourselves! How does language learning WORK?  In this episode: BUILDING AND UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE THROUGH OUR SENSES, we'll dig into how the brain learns, and YOU will gain some powerful everyday strategies to teach your child language skills. Grab your LaCroix and let's start learnin", ... and if your kiddos are quiet enough, you might even want to grab a pen and paper for notes! You will get 3 tips for how to use what your child is experiencing to build better language with LOTS of examples!  ps- the recording is sort of fast. I am still learning, too.  Thinking playfully,  Dinalynn    Contact Dinalynn, the Host:  [email protected]   Resources from The Language Of Play:  Join the FREE Interactive Webinar! May 13, 2024  10 AM CST   https://dinalynnr.systeme.io/workshop-free-2ddd5182 Sign up for my newsletter! https://tinyurl.com/vkvspbx4 Sign up for FREE 21 Days of Encouragement in your inbox ! https://tinyurl.com/5n8f4att Join my new FREE Facebook Community : https://tinyurl.com/4pe8m9za Have Questions about Working together?  Sign up for a 15 min "Let's Meet Session" on zoom!  https://tinyurl.com/5xbhkr6x For Speaking Engagements or For 1:1 or Group Parent Coaching (virtual or live), contact me at [email protected]

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