128: Myths, Stereotypes, and Truths About Biblical Womanhood with Bethany Beal
The Home and Hearth Podcast - A podcast by Rebekah Hargraves: Blogger, Podcaster, Author
Bethany Beal is a wife, mom, author, speaker, YouTuber, and podcaster, with a passion to reach out to women with truth and encouragement for their walk with Christ. She runs the ministry Girl Defined with her sister, Kristen Clark, and comes on the show today to talk about myths and stereotypes surrounding Biblical womanhood. What We Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~The faith-builder it has been for Bethany and Kristen to see God begin and grow their ministry ~What led Bethany and Kristen to have the passion they have which led to their being inspired to begin GirlDefined Ministries ~Some of the most prevalent lies, myths, and stereotypes about womanhood that girls and women are battling in the culture right now ~Sex and the Christian woman ~The ploy of Satan to keep our sins and struggle in the dark; the healing and growth which comes from them instead being brought into the light ~Steps to take and what to do if you are battling sexual sin or struggles ~The importance of having a mentor ~Some of the dangerous myths and stereotypes in the church regarding Biblical womanhood and the Christian walk ~The importance of waking by the Spirit in those areas where God does not outline specific black and white, hard and fast rules and standards ~Why the idea that marriage and motherhood are a woman's highest calling are actual harmful to women and to the kingdom at large ~Lessons Bethany learned during her season of singleness ~How knowing the attributes of God leads to our being able to trust in God ~And more! For full shownotes, head to www.hargraveshomeandhearth.com/podcast