HB02. Brain Fog and Shroud Waving: how my babies came out

The Hello Baby Podcast - A podcast by Amelia Evans


In this episode I talk you through my own birth stories: a planned home birth, ending in an emergency C-section in 2015; and - briefly, because the other story takes so long! - a semi-planned C-section in 2020. I talk planning for a smooth labour, birth choices (you CAN say "no" to interventions) and coming to terms when the shit hits the fan. I maybe even cry a little bit. It's a long story, but then again, it was a loooooong old labour. Some things you might find interesting: Optimal fetal positioning. Getting baby into a good position for labour is often over-looked and can make things a lot smoother. Check out Spinning Babies. Warning: their website is so jam-packed with info that it can be a bit overwhelming, so take a cuppa with you and maybe find a few pages / exercises that resonate with you. I recommend their Daily Essentials video if you're willing to spend a little money. Big shout out to my fellow midwife and former-Leyton resident Nissa aka The Hypnobirthing Midwife who is a very well respected hypnobirthing teacher, and expert in fetal positioning.If you're faced with a tricky decision about your care, do not despair! Some excellent resources can be found on the Association for Improvement in Maternity Services website. I'd also highly recommend The Positive Birth Book by Milli Hill for a well-balanced read on your choices in childbirth. Dr Sara Wickham knows her stuff when it comes to controversial topics in childbirth (e.g. vaginal births after c-section, induction of labour, and so on). Even better, chat to your hospital's Maternity Voices Partnership (often active as a local Facebook group) and your local Positive Birth Group.  If you need to talk to someone about your specific issues and are getting nowhere with your midwife or obstetrician, then it's worth asking to speak to the hospital's consultant midwife.Find me on the web, on Instagram, on Facebook or contact me at [email protected]. Special thanks to Tom Herbert aka electrobeard for the music.

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