HB09. Hypertension, Big Heads and Salad Tongs: it's a positive birth story, but not as you know it.
The Hello Baby Podcast - A podcast by Amelia Evans

This week's episode is all about changing the narrative on what constitutes a "positive" birth. I talk to Liv - mum to 1 year old Frankie - about her birth, which she would happily repeat; it features induction for high blood pressure, epidural, forceps (AKA all the stuff people usually leave OFF their birth plans) and some mid-labour pandemic-motivated online shopping. We also talk about all the things that contribute to a positive experience from continuity of care, understanding your options and saying yes to that epidural. Listen to this episode, because the events of Liv's birth are pretty common, especially among first-time mums!Things you might find interesting: We talk about the impact of continuity of care. One aim of the Department of Health's Better Births strategy was for more women to see the same midwife - or small number of midwives - during their pregnancy and birth; this has been (temporarily) parked as a result of the pandemic. Liv was induced due to her high blood pressure, also know as pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). Just in case you don't know what white coat hypertension is, it's mentioned here. I reference an article for The Juggle / Grazia - "Here's why pregnant women should stop listening to those traumatic birth stories" by Hayley Thompson. It's a really irritating article..! But thought-provoking. Find me on the web, on Instagram, on Facebook or contact me at [email protected]. Special thanks to Tom Herbert aka electrobeard for the music.