HB08. It's Sleepytime! Sleep chat with consultant Leanne Fraser.

The Hello Baby Podcast - A podcast by Amelia Evans


This episode is all about sleep! I love sleep. It’s the best. I talk to Leanne Fraser - an E17 based sleep consultant and baby massage instructor - about how to make changes to your child's sleep and why you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Leanne shares loads of tips for newborn sleep which will set you up nicely for the months ahead. A perfect listen if you’re about to have a baby or have just got one home!Find out more about Leanne’s sleep consultancy on Instagram and on the web. It doesn’t matter where you live; consultations can take place over Zoom or phone. She doesn’t just work with babies either; if your toddler / pre-schooler is struggling with sleep then give her a shout. You can also find info about her popular baby Kinship Baby Massage courses on the web and on Insta.Things you might find interesting: The Eliane Glaser article I referenced in the intro: “Parent trap: why the cult of the perfect mother has to end.” READ IT IMMEDIATELY. She also has a book out soon: Motherhood: A Manifesto which simply must be amazing. It’s a bloody shame that most mums will struggle to find the time to read it because we’re all so effing busy..!For guidance about all things sleep safety and reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) check out Lullaby Trust. There are lots of different sleep training methods out there. “Gentle” or “holistic” sleep experts look at managing your expectations, and making gentle adjustments to baby’s sleep environment or your routine; Sarah Ockwell-Smith and Kerry Secker of Care It Out are popular gentle sleep experts. Other methods might involve a little more tears, but can get faster or more dramatic results. Leanne is trained in the Baby Sleep the Night method, which is a “gradual retreat” method. I recommend Precious Little Sleep for loads of great sleep tips; Alexis Dubief is a straight-talking but realistic sleep expert who takes you through a variety of different approaches, and has lots of little nuggets of info on things like “sleep regressions,” suggested schedules etc. all helpfully broken down by age.Goodnight Moon is a classic bedtime book; it’s repetitive, rhythmic and calming. I’ve read it approximately 10,000 times over the last 6 years. I say “read it” - I’ve no idea where the book is these days because I know it off by heart. It’s just one of the sleep cues we talk about on the show.  Find me on the web, on Instagram, on Facebook or contact me at [email protected]. Special thanks to Tom Herbert aka electrobeard for the music.

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