HB06. "You and me and Daddy...We're going to have a baby." The trials, tribulations, triumphs and some tips on having your second baby, and the (seismic) impact on your firstborn.
The Hello Baby Podcast - A podcast by Amelia Evans

This episode is all about having a second baby. Not a comprehensive guide - after all, I am only 11 months into this gig - but some helpful thoughts on prepping your firstborn for the new arrival, prepping yourself for labour (it’ll probably be easier than last time, but don’t quote me on that), and some things you might notice in the aftermath. If you have the time to notice. Which you won’t. Things you might find interesting: I recommend The Second Baby Book by Sarah Ockwell-Smith. It’s got everything you need to consider when you’re having your second (or subsequent) child. It's possible even more useful than this episode!Get a sling, shove your newborn in it, it’ll be like you’re still pregnant and your kid will be none-the-wiser.I talk about spending quality time with your child, but you might want to think about “love bombing” them. I haven’t done it, but Oliver James claims it can help all sorts of behavioural problems. A(nother) reminder to chat through any concerns you might have about your labour with your midwife or consultant obstetrician, especially if you have a complicated labour last time. If you feel you need more answers or a specialised plan then it's worth seeking out your hospital's Consultant Midwife for Normal Birth. If you don’t know who they are then contact me with the name of your hospital and I’ll find out! Find me on the web, on Instagram, on Facebook or contact me at [email protected]. Special thanks to Tom Herbert aka electrobeard for the music.