027 \\ No Fluff Friday! Let‘s Deep Clean Your Bathroom - Here‘s a Step By Step Clean with Me Guide (Cleaning Motivation)
THE HABITS & HOME SHOW | Decluttering & Systems for Christian ADHD Moms - A podcast by Lisa Lizotte | Home Organizer and Habits Coach

It‘s no fluff Friday. The day I give you a straightforward do a right now tip or task that can impact your motherhood, your marriage, or your home maintenance and today I‘m giving you a step-by-step clean with me guide to deep clean your bathroom. I hope this episode was helpful in keeping you on task and free from distractions. If you enjoyed this and want more step by step episodes, leave me a podcast reivew and let me know. You can leave a review by scolling down to the bottom of the podcast app and clicking on WRITE A REVIEW. Your feedback lets me know what you like. Replay this episode when you‘re cleaning your bathroom and need a little encouragement. xo - Lisa